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在举世闻名的老尼上校马戏团内,有一个名震四方的当家动物明星,斯洛伐克空中飞熊布鲁诺(梅尔·布兰科 Mel Blanc 配音)。布鲁诺自恃盛名,傲慢自大。这一天,有人给上校打来电话推荐杂技动物,上校原打算拒绝,但听说对方是一只会表演空中飞人的兔子,于是欣然应允。听到这一消息的布鲁诺恼怒不已,决心在表演的时候好好给那只兔子一些教训。正式演出开始,上校隆重向观众推荐了布鲁诺和他的搭档兔八哥(梅尔·布兰科 Mel Blanc 配音)。  布鲁诺看似友好,但在表演时暗中使坏,欺负兔八哥。我们的兔八哥当然不会坐以待毙,他想出各种办法整治了这个“坏前辈”……
Chilly Willy is freezing in his igloo home (he lives in Coldernell, Alaska) and burning everything he owns in the fireplace to keep warm. He notices an ad for the local fur factory and realizes that warmth is only a visit away. Unfortunately, it is guarded by a rather unexcitable watchdog who foils Chilly's attempts to steal the furs. Finally, he locks every fur in the storage bin but this doesn't stop Chilly who starts eyeing the watchdog's fur and makes various attempts to remove it from him.


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