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The Horror of Dolores Roach is a grotesque Sweeney Todd-inspired tale of Eat or Be Eaten; a macabre urban legend of love, betrayal, weed, gentrification, cannibalism, and survival of the fittest. It follows the indomitable Dolores Roach, who returns to a New York City neighborhood that has changed drastically during the sixteen years she has been in prison. Her boyfriend missing, her family long gone, Dolores is recognized only by an old stoner friend, Luis, who gives Dolores room and board and lets her give massages for cash in the basement apartment under his dilapidated empanada shop.  When the promise of her newfound stability is quickly threatened, ‘Magic Hands Dolores’ is driven to extremes to survive — leaving in her wake a string of strangled massage clients. In the face of unexpected professional success, Dolores and Luis become dangerously symbiotic, and Luis must unleash his own particular predilections.
这个搞笑呆萌而又残酷的故事发生在非洲大草原。牛羚(角马)大迁徙的路上不免要跨越大河川流。在一处岸边,两头牛羚正盯着水中一个表面粗糙的物体发呆。2号牛羚认定这是一截木头,1号牛羚则坚称这是一条鳄鱼。1号先是扔石子、树枝戳,之后更跳到那个物体上面。两头牛羚谁也说服不了谁,彼此僵持不下。  看来也只能用事实来说话了。当然,有些事情不亲身经历一下是不会清楚的,即使这个经验来的如此血腥……
高高的悬崖峭壁之上,是一望无际的荒原。从荒原的尽头,走来一个瘦小孤单的身影。那是一个金发女子,她不发一言,只是搬来凳子坐在悬崖边,开始编制毛活。  一条红色的围巾渐渐编织出来,但女人丝毫没有停止的意思,仍在努力编织。女人踢了一脚堆在脚边的围巾,于是另一头便垂到悬崖的外边。这条沉重的围巾慢慢滑下去,女人瘦小的身子根本逐渐无法承担它的重量。她只有加快编织的速度,全然不顾个人的安危。  没人知道她为何如此执著……


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