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Alan(Robin Williams饰)是剪接师,却不是一个寻常意义上的剪接师。他负责把人死后脑袋的记忆芯片剪成一段华美的乐章,把人生里的丑恶苦痛悉数删除,用来餍足前来参加哀悼会的人。剪接师本身不可以种植记忆芯片,Alan在调查一个人生前的事迹时,面临了这份工作的最大冲击,一个侵犯自己女儿的人,也要被剪接成为一个完美无缺的典范吗?此时他还发现童年的梦魇再现,自己曾经害死的朋友尚在人间。而曾经看过女友前男友记忆的事情又被发现,女友毅然离去。种种风波掀起,最大的惊恐却是Alan发现自己原来也被植入了记忆芯片。
Young Emma Miller (Danielle Chuchran) would appear to be lucky. This beautiful Amish girl has a loving family and the community's most eligible young man, Jacob (Kellen Boyle), wants to marry her. But she has more on her mind than buggies, bonnets and making her special goat cheese - Emma is secretly obsessed with Jane Austin's Pride and Prejudice and restlessly longs for adventure and travel. When given the opportunity to spend the season helping her widowed cousin Lydia (Meg Wittman) in scenic Charm, OH, Emma jumps at the chance. There she meets an Englischer, librarian Kelly Bennett (Tiffany Dupont), who has come to town to escape her chaotic life. Despite their differences, the two become fast friends. Settling into her cousin's farm, she finds Noah (Trevor Donovan) - a striking, well-read Amish young man who helps work the farm - intriguing, yet vexing. So when Emma's cheese attracts the attention of a local bed-and-breakfast and a handsome wine-and-cheese blog editor, Andy
平静的郊外社区,小有名气的画家大卫·安德纳赫(麦德斯·米科尔森 Mads Mikkelsen 饰)与隔壁女邻居有染。某天当他鬼混时,女儿里奥妮(Valeria Eisenbart 饰)却在自家泳池溺毙。该事件直接导致他和妻子玛雅(洁西卡·史瓦兹 Jessica Schwarz 饰)的婚姻破裂,悲伤自责的大卫自暴自弃,一度试图自杀了结生命。被好友马克思(Tim Seyfi 饰)从死亡边缘拉回后的夜晚,大卫跟随一只神秘而美丽的蝴蝶穿过一条通道,竟意外回到了5年前事故发生的那一刻,成功救下女儿的性命。悲剧人生似乎发生转机,然而随后一连串的连锁事件却让他陷入命运漩涡,难以抽身……  本片荣获2010年德国影评人协会最佳影片奖。


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