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1980年代,江南某农村。谷家湾生产队副队长谷正茂(陈述饰)和女儿小兰(陈鸿梅 饰)整日醉心科学种田,小兰妈(李玲君 饰)却为女儿的婚事暗暗着急。一天,小兰妈无意结识邻村也为儿子刘纯(朱顺良 饰)婚事发愁的祝二婶(高淬 饰),俩人相见恨晚,并商定择日让儿女相亲。相亲当日阴差阳错,小兰埋怨母亲不该骗她来相亲,刘纯则借机跟谷正茂来到谷家。祝二婶见儿子逃脱,便将堂侄祝兴(毛永明 饰)拉来冒充,小兰见假刘纯一表人才,颇为中意,不料却遭双方儿女的反对。同是种田迷的刘纯与小兰在劳动中产生感情,金秋时节,两人共同培育的新稻种获得丰收......
When a broken hearted boy loses the treasured wooden nativity set that links him to his dead father, his worried mother persuades a lonely ill-tempered woodcarver to create a replacement, and to allow her son to watch him work on it. The commission takes their relationship to unexpected places as the young client makes greater and more difficult demands of the woodcarver's ability, and as Christmas approaches, the three struggle to come to terms with each other, their painful memories and the process of putting their unhappiness behind them.  Written by Anonymous

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