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在遥远的北欧雪国,生活着一个无忧无虑、美丽纯洁的公主安妮卡(凯莉·谢里丹 Kelly Sheridan 配音)。她热爱自然,喜欢溜冰,然而国王(罗素·罗伯特 Russell Roberts 配音)和王后(凯瑟琳·巴尔 Kathleen Barr 配音)却对其保护有加,生怕女儿受到一点伤害。因此安妮卡只能偶而偷跑出王宫,享受短暂的自由与快乐。在生日当天,安妮卡捡回一头小北极熊,照例被国王和王后一顿唠叨。夜幕降临,闷闷不乐的安妮卡决定偷跑出去,享受溜冰的乐趣。她优美的舞姿博得了国民的赞美,也引来了邪恶恐怖的巫师万洛克(Colin Murdock 配音)。巫师将国民们变作石头,强迫安妮卡嫁给他。关键时刻,一匹飞马来到无助的安妮卡身边……
Tom chases Jerry into a fish cannery; they get sealed into cans. Tom breaks out, but falls off a pier as the cans roll under him. A shark chases him out of the water; Tom drops an anchor on the shark. Meanwhile, Jerry has been hopping in his can; Tom opens it, and puts his finger in, which Jerry bites. Jerry tricks Tom into falling off the end of another pier, and right into the shark's path again. The shark manages to get Tom into a very precarious position, barely holding the jaws apart. Jerry takes pity, and dumps a shaker full of pepper into the shark, which ends up on the processing line and stuffed into a huge can. Tom is unrepentant, so Jerry tricks him with a fake shark fin.

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