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越剧名伶戚老师年轻时以一出《追月》红遍全国,多年后功成名就的她突然归乡想与家人重聚。被抛弃的大儿子秋生和小儿子夏生却难以与她亲近,一个突发事件让过去隐秘的真相逐渐浮出水面……  影片改编自第八届鲁迅文学奖艾伟小说《过往》,主演何赛飞荣获第36届中国电影金鸡奖最佳女主角。
On February 2013, Haleem, born in Aleppo, Syria, plans to escape the civil war and go to Germany, where his sister lives, and later invite his family after being granted refugee status. During the transit in Korea, he is caught with a fake passport and denied entry. He is later sent to Turkey where he is denied entry again, ending up back in Korea. After staying in the deportation room in the Korean airport, he is sent to stay at a foreign shelter, when one day he hears of his son's death and goes into a violent rage, unable to handle the sad news. The lawyer in charge of his case continues to challenge his detention, and the Korean Ministry of Justice ends up canceling his Emergency Protective Order without notifying him. Haleem, who unintentionally stepped into unfamiliar Korean soil, finds himself working illegally at a construction site, where he meets Riyadh, an unregistered Arab resident. They comfort each other's pain and develop a father and son relationship. Haleem, who had saved money to bring in his family to Korea, spent all his hard- earned money paying off Riyadh's father's debts. With the help of Youssef, a Christian Arab, Haleem gets a job at a junkyard and a place to stay. But Riyadh gets into a serious accident and is pronounced brain dead after he is chased by immigration officers. The church elders and ministers plot to use Riyadh's organs for their church main elder's transplant surgery. They try to persuade Haleem to concede by telling him that the church can bring his wife and daughter from the Turkish refugee camp to Korea along with their missionary group. Haleem falls into a religious conflict and moral dilemma, leading other Arabs around him to misunderstand him. A story about a person stuck in the midst of cultural, religious, ethnic, and national conflict.
弗里萨帝国最为强盛时期,其军团所到之处望风披靡,无数有文明存在的星球接连成为他的附属和商品,即使一向骁勇善战而闻名的赛亚人也臣服于弗里萨的麾下,心甘情愿成为他攻城拔寨的马前卒。孙悟空的父亲巴达克是一名低等赛亚人战士,在和伙伴们入侵某星球时,他遭到当地人的袭击,从此具有了预测未来的能力。他所看到的,不是民族光辉的未来,而是赛亚人因不断强大而遭致弗里萨忌惮继而被灭亡的悲惨命运。疗伤期间,小队伙伴受命前往攻击临近星球,结果全部被多多利亚杀害。随后赶到的巴达克发现预言全部为真,因此急忙赶回贝吉塔行星,准备召集族人与弗里萨决一死战,但这注定是一场孤独的战争……  本片为《龙珠》动画片的SP,基本可以视为整个故事的前传。


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