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Kevin, a charismatic skater, decides to steal the plan of a dangerous gang to rob seven million dollars from the airport and give his girlfriend Génesis, the life she deserves. The rest of the team consists of Pantera, Mística and Panda, who join this adventure.
本片是《宇宙的巨人希曼》的“兄妹篇”,也是该片大获成功后的趁热打铁之作,由美国飞美逊公司(Filmation Associates)于1985年推出。希瑞的造型源自1941年问世的漫画《神奇女侠》(Wonder Woman)。  每集中,少不了的开场白如下:“我叫阿多拉,霍曼的亲妹妹。我是水晶城堡的保护者。这,是顺马风,我的坐骑。有一天,我获得了奇迹般的秘密,当我抽出剑说:‘赐于我力量吧……She-Ra,She-Ra,She-Ra,She-Ra,我是希瑞……’我便和起义军的朋友们一起,为解救以希利亚,与罪恶的霍达克进行着战斗……”(关于阿多拉的身世之谜,霍达克正是她的养父!当年霍德人进攻艾特尼亚时,霍达克曾经从王宫里偷走一个女婴,该女婴就是阿多拉——她的孪生哥哥便是亚当王子,多年后,鹦鹉仙子令亚当救回了自己的妹妹,阿多拉这才知道了事实的真相。)
Luis, 18, sees only one way to be able to provide for himself and his mother: training at Mexico’s national military academy. The rigid system of violence that is designed to turn him into the perfect soldier pushes him to his limits.

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