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Made for TV drama recreating the May 1937 disaster in which the German airship the Hindenburg caught fire. The Hindenburg was the largest airship in the world and a symbol of growing German commercial and military power. Initially designed to use the non-flammable helium as a lifting gas, the US embargo on helium exports forced the use of hydrogen instead. This proved catastrophic when, docking in New Jersey in 1937, the ship caught fire and burned furiously before the eyes of the world. The drama follows some of the Hindenburg's passengers, including an airship designer, Gestapo agents and fleeing Jews, as they journey towards tragedy.  由德国人所设计的「兴登堡号」飞船,以804英尺的长度名列史上最壮观的载客飞船。它优美的外观线条加上内部一流的设备有如豪华的空中游轮,能搭乘此船可说是一生中极尽奢华的享受。然而,发生在1937年的一场重大灾难事件,彻底终止了飞船的黄金年代。兴登堡号在降落时发生爆炸意外,熊熊烈火将整艘船燃烧殆尽。  故事讲述一九三九年,一艘满载各式人等飞往纽约的德国造兴登堡飞船,在抵达纽约上空时发生爆炸,造成了历史上的大悲剧。
故事发生在抗日战争如火如荼的关键阶段,汪伪政府投敌叛国,华夏大地民不聊生,炎黄子孙的命运危在旦夕。上海明氏企业的董事长明镜(刘敏涛 饰)胸怀赤诚,暗中资助中国共产党。她的弟弟明楼(靳东 饰)则在军统担任特工,行踪诡秘。姐弟俩的弟弟明台(胡歌 饰)饱读诗书,本无心政治,谁 知却在飞赴香港途中被军统高官王天风绑架招揽。万般无奈之下,明台只能隐姓埋名接受培训,并最终成为军统驻上海站的一名特工。在接下来的行动中,他与中共锄奸小组的程锦云(王乐君 饰)多有配合,两人在行动中也培养出非凡的信任与感情。  国内局势风云变化,这两个年轻人则将面临着命运的严苛考验……


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