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龙威(郑中基 饰)是亿万富翁龙大双(罗家英 饰)的独生子,由于家庭十分富有,龙威与其他两名好友黄金舟(张达明 饰)、吴树喜(李灿森 饰)过着挥霍无度的生活。父亲们见他们的儿子都是不务正业的,所以便通过层层关系把龙威几个送到警校接受训练。艰苦的生活对他们来说是莫大的折磨,他们大肆破坏想离开。此时龙威遇到了梦中情人悯情(邓丽欣 饰),但悯情的父亲阻止了他们交往,悯情也不喜龙威的不求上进。龙威自此自暴自弃,在父亲的鼓励下,龙威决定成为一个顶天立地的英雄。父亲极力锻炼龙威,与此同时悯情在一次行动中被挟持,生死未卜。龙威决心要救出心爱的女孩。
“所有人都变成了琉璃一般的东西,然后他们都消失了……“ 长安惊现幻境危机,各方势力潜滋暗长,马蹄疾乱、剑锋争鸣,王者英雄少年李白能找到真正的幕后真凶吗?
One a bright spring day before a school trip, Semi, falls asleep on one side of the classroom, and suddenly awakens in tears over an ominous dream. She runs to Ha-eun, who is in the hospital after injuring her leg in a bicycle accident. Semi and Ha-eun are best friends. The film depicts a special day between the two. A spring day, puppy love, jealousy, friendship, small misunderstandings, shameful confessions, anxiety and wacky wit, red nose tips and ears, or the heels and dead skin cells in dreams, the verdant hill behind the village and the yellowish sunset—every small thing that makes up the world gathers up here and creates an unexplained and brilliant atmosphere, completing a kind of dreaming vision. The Dream Songs is full of vitality even in its sad moments.


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